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EPUK Showcase 2023


The photograph used in the FNOTSI campaign had been commissioned specifically by advertising agency Prisme, and was taken by Laurence Frappa. Unlike Sanderson’s image, the blurred background was taken separately and digitally added in later.

“In court, Getty’s lawyers went over the [Frappa] picture bit by bit” Sanderson told EPUK. “That it was made from two separate images indicated that it was obviously constructed to match something. They said it was shot to match a drawing, which they produced in court, which turned out to be identical to my photograph.”


<blockquote>You cannot corner the market on a public landmark, building, or view. Let every photographer get up and go sell their own work as always. What a sad world this would be if “exclusive” or even “similar” image licensing were to become a matter of “who got there first”.</blockquote>

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Categories: Digital Marketing